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Schaken Mods Male Bodyslide SE By Jobobby04 92 92 Billyys Petite SLAL Animations By Schaken Custom AI Healer Follower SE By Hieroglyphics 427 23 Skyrim SE (Guild Mods) Sign in to follow this Followers 13 Sub Category Skyrim SE This is for All Skyrim Special Edition Guild mods To gain access to the Guild mods,Jun 27, 19 Explore Pixie's board "Skyrim SE Mods", followed by 227 people on See more ideas about skyrim, mod, skyrim mods · Skyrim by Bethesda Creation Kit by Bethesda Dx's Beast Followers Argonian and Khajiit SE Version Dx's Follower Raven Dx's Follower Thor SE Version Dx's Follower Mike Dx's Male Presets Dx's Preset Redguard Mihail SAM Dx's Follower Pack Real People SAM SOS Better males Dx's Follower Pack Demons SAM SOS Better Males

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Skyrim se male follower mods- · Of all the nonlore friendly mods out there, I love Mass Effect for Skyrim mods the best Here is the full list of mods I've found so far I tried to link the original mod creators but a lot of these mods were taken down from their original posts, alasHoth is not only the name of the planet where the Rebel Alliance had their base It's also the name of one of the coolest follower mods that you can download for Skyrim This is the first dude on my list, a spot he has earned by simply looking like a badass and offering a

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Apr 10, 18 Vampire male follower Textures and meshes are independent Several eyes and hair color variation Dark Souls 3 Knight Dark Souls Armor Dark Souls 2 Skyrim Nexus Mods Skyrim Mods Vampire Eyes Vampire Art Oscar Of Astora Skyrim Vampire More information0 skyrim se follower quest mods0221 · Version 12 fixed the level setting now he can have the same level as your character this is a LE port to SE, screenshot are from LE with Rudy ENB Credit thank you so much for your amazing works!
Skyrim Mod Follower Commentary Overhaul YouTube Skyrim Mod Follower Commentary Overhaul Watch later Share Copy link Info Shopping Tap toAlec the blind blade a follower mod https//wwwnexusmodscom/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99Finding a decent middle ground between the vanilla look and just looking like a freaking barbie doll is tough Skyrim Se Face Mods Mods To Give Anyone have any good malefemale character mods to give my characters NPCs a
· The description can do a better job than me when it comes to explaining him I used him a long time ago, but he's still being updated Unfortunately, most Custom voiced male followers aren't as popular, sorry There's more out there, sure, but I can't think of any http//wwwnexusmodscom/skyrim/modsFeb 1, 19 Vampire male follower Textures and meshes are independent Several eyes and hair color variation (Default / Palegoldblue / Palegoldred / Vampire eyes) Not LoreFriendlySometimes traveling Skyrim by yourself can be lonely, but not every character would welcome human companionship – or maybe you don't want to deal with the other aspects of the follower system like managing inventory and equipment Maybe your character (or you!) is an animal lover

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· Any male follower can look nice with the right face remodeling mods You could try the replacers for Marcurio , Faendal , Sven , Erandur , Erik the Slayer or The Companions from Kerwin19 or just alter every males face all it once with overhauls like Males of Skyrim , the Ethereal Elven Overhaul , or Pretty Face for men · Kaidan 2 is by far one of the most detailed, featurepacked follower mods I've ever seen This is the second version of the mod with even more added than the previous version You won't find Kaidan just sitting around in a tavern waiting for you to whisk him off on an adventure a quest you receive upon starting will point you in his directionSchakenMods Chat More Clubs 401 Gaming SchakenMods German Translations SchakenMods French Translations TAP Gaming Taoxues Pub More My Games Guild Mods (Edit this list) More Browse Forums Gallery Blogs Guidelines Staff Online Users Leaderboard Forms More Activity All Activity Search More Subscriptions Store

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Like Dragon Age Alistair?"Try {Stenvar Revamped Male Follower}, {Ahtar The Executioner} or {Nord Brothers} just make sure you uninstall the original mods after copying the facial settings or you will have followers who look identical to those NPC's!In any case, Anruin is a male wood elf that will become a follower that is very prominent in the arts of destruction magic Marry the dude or keep him around for protection;

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Anshir Youthful Argonian Follower;Skyrim SE Improved Puddles Recommended installation settings Gecko's 4K Mountain Dark Brotherhood Armor Male 2k Dragonbone Armor and Weapons HD by Natterforme recommend installing at least some of them, so Skyrim won't feel so "empty" You can of course use any standalone follower mods from the Nexus However,Him The Man With No Name Follower SE https//wwwnexusmodscom/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39 Shandar (Standalone HD Male Redguard Follower) SSE https//wwwnexusmodscom/skyrimspecialedition/mods/04/?

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Arexon the Argonian Follower;Skyrim Follower Mods Category page Edit Edit source History Talk (0) The Andre Standalone Male Follower;NOTE This is for Skyrim SE only I don't have LE If anyone can and wants to convert, go for it _____ Please Read You will, of course, need Kaidan 2 mod Kaidan is using SAM Light texture addon I have him using VP's High Poly Head

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0909 · In this list, we're going to take a look at the Top 10 Best Follower Mods currently available for Skyrim on Xbox One These mods might make changes to the existing follower system in the game, or add new followers all together All the links below link back to the Bethesda website where they canBringing you my top ten choices for female follower mods from across the internet At the end of the video I also cover some worthwhile follower mods LinksFor The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a follower mod adding a nice MALE follower?

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Orchid Standalone Follower Skyrim Se Xbox One Pc Mods Valkyria Standalone Follower Skyrim Se Xbox One Pc Mods Aug 01, 19 · mods that sound small can make the biggest difference in making you feel like a part of the world you're playing in being fully immersed in your game can be one of the most fun parts of skyrimIt's up to you to do what you wish Just be sure to get the best out of him – he's a pretty useful follower! · If you want to make your follower completely standalone (having a custom body shape/texture, face shape/texture, etc), you'll have to create a custom race for your follower To create a custom race, follow the steps explained in this tutorial Creating a custom race for Skyrim

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Jan 31, 19 Altmer male follower Standalone Not LoreFriendlyCOtRHQ Character Creation Add on for RM https//wwwnexusmodscom/skyrimspecialedition/mods/GamerMods Пожалуйста Мод добавит в Skyrim SE фенека Кураму Геральт из Ривии SE Geralt Of Rivia Voiced Follower SE Опубликовано 1707 в Геральт из Ривии теперь в Скайриме

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My favorite follower mods for Skyrim0027 Brhuce Hammar http//wwwnexusmodscom/skyrim/mods//?0218 Mirai http//wwwnexusmodscom/sky · Can use both spell and a onehanded weapon at the same time A realistic type of follower Get the Mod Here https//wwwnexusmodscom/skyrim/mods/ 10 Inigo A khajiit that is found in the Riften Jail He has different battle dialogue than other followers and is considered a good follower Inigo Mod HighlightsMod Links Nexus Go to Nexus This mod adds a new standalone male follower named Andre in Skyrim He can be found in Dragonsreach He can use Lightning Bolt, Sparks, Firebolt, Fire Storm, Healing, Oakflesh and the Dragon Flame Breath Note He doesn't use a custom voice Requirements Dawnguard DLC

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This one includes a whole list of features that go from improving the basic follower system to adding new stuff that didn't come with vanilla Skyrim The Windhelm Guard 17 And her interactions with other followers and with you, based on environmental changes, are just too good Rebuilt and expanded, this romantic follower features over 10 lines of dialogue, custom home, and miniSkyrim se follower mods Home;Skyrim Se Face Mods Mods To Give;

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Eryniel is an elf who has become one with nature To help you keep track of all your various additions, be sure to use a mod manager of some sort She does remind me of one of those old Final Fantasy characters If you've ever tried to sneak past an enemy with a follower behind you, chances are that they've rushed to action and ruined all the fun for you She even has a smallMar 27, 16 Any male follower can look nice with the right face remodeling mods You could try the replacers for Marcurio, Faendal, Sven, Erandur, Erik the Slayer or The Companions from Kerwin19 or just alter every males face all it once with overhauls like Males of Skyrim, the Ethereal Elven Overhaul, or Pretty Face for menThe Companions Followers For Male replacer by kerwin19 wwwnexusmodscom Hot Male Housecarls skyrimnexusmodscom this one replaces all females housecarls by male versions but it's under maintenance It's really a great work with beautiful male housecarls I have the original version Hot male housecarls Raymond by Quahoac skyrimnexusmodscom

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Also Oldrim followers as long as they work in SE fully Of course the credits go all to their respective owners/modders I wish to make the life a bit easier for all the people out there who just want some sick looking, or even cute looking male followers Male follower mods for Skyrim SE AreekusGamerMods Пожалуйста Рен мужской компаньон Ren Male Follower Vimar vampire follower (SE) / Компаньон Вимар от Pandorable Опубликовано в Мод добавляет последователя ВимараThis is DarkSchneiderBS's "Skimpy Crouch Underwear" converted to Skyrim SE for High Poly bodies I know that it was made for SAM Full before but it looked quite odd on SSE, so I made my own conversion for SAM Light High Poly SSE to fit the body without gaps or seams

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· Page 1 of 2 Male Follower Mods Compendium posted in Skyrim Special Edition Mod Talk I got bored today So I went through all the 22 pages of followers in search of male followers I only included those that only had males in them If anyone finds any that I missed or new ones, please add them in a comment0505 · 3 Best Lucien Immersive Fully Voiced Male Follower By Joseph Russell Lucien has some of the best random voice lines of any follower mod out there He quotes Batman while sneaking before apologizing for speaking while you're trying to be quietAngus The Dwarf Warrior Companion;

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Now fully works with no fading meshes/distant objects Hey everyone, thanks again for another successful month of topnotch reviews, collections and screenshots 8K/16K versions Last updated 08 December 16 1237PM In Skyrim können Begleiter immer von Nutzen sein Development of Fallout The Frontier started almost 7 years ago and there were certainly times along the way · Vanilla Skyrim females are typically OK looking, but the vanilla males are HIDEOUS which is why I'm so thankful to all the modders out there who make malespecific mods Here is a rundown on my favorite male mods Male Body Types There is really only one male body mod that you need to know – Better Males – Beautiful Nudes & Faces!

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